Saturday, July 29, 2006

Emperor X at the Elk Grove Village clocktower

Thursday afternoon, I attended the strangest/most awkward/probably best concert of my life.

Backstory: I had innocently contacted Emperor X (who goes by Chad in the daytime) on whether his show at Subterranean was 21+ plus or all ages. He led me to his booking agent, who replied 21+. I thanked Chad for getting me there, and he replied by offering to play a show before the show. Through a series of emails, I ended up here:

about two minutes walking from the poliice station, ready for a concert.

They arrive and survey the crowd. That is to say me, my mom, and my sister. Chad hands me a notebook and tells me to pick the setlist, and they start.

Emperor X was, that day, Chad on acoustic guitar and singing, Joel on bass and keyboard, and someone whose name I never learned (Isaac? maybe?) drumming with an assortment of things, including Joel's shoe.

They also had a photographer whose name I also never learned.

They opened with Addison Aceh and just played well. Never mind the fact they were playing for a family in the middle of nowhere with around 90 degree temperatures they just seemed to enjoy themselves. There is little I could write to give the clearest of pictures to this concert, so on with the pretty colors:


Setlist: (As picked by me)

Addison Aceh
Right to the Rails
Use Your Hands
Dirt Dealership; no video; this is I when I took pictures
Everyone in Jacksonville
Don't Gather 'Round the Dinnertable



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