Saturday, July 15, 2006


Emperor X (who I've posted about WAY too much already) is playing a 21+ show at Subterraenean (which I can't attend) and when I emailed him about it, he offered up a crazy idea:

That means you're in high school and might have a few friends that are into music. Would you guys be into us stopping by, before our show, and playing for you at your house or in a parking lot or something somewhere? We don't need any electricity, we can play all acoustic versions if need be. If you think that soudnds fun and you think you can get a few people out, I'd be happy to drop in and play an all-ages pre-show show just for y'all! Let me know if you want that to happen and it will be done, sir. :)

So, anyone in the Chicago area wants to go to this? If so leave a comment along with how many people you can bring. If you can't, tell your friends to leave a comment. If I get around ten, I can make this happen.


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