Friday, July 07, 2006

Halfway point-- I bow to the pressures of the mainstream, but I do it with style.

For lieu of an opening, this is the year 2006. Albums were released this year. Here are my favorites.

1.) Sunset Rubdown-- Shut Up I Am Dreaming.

Brilliant stuff from Spencer Krug again. This man is a machine. Nevermind the fact that "Stadiums and Shrines II" is probably my song of the year, the flow and power of this music is amazing, the lyrics are top notch, and there are numerous un-pretentious guitar solos. What more is there?

2.) Final Fantasy-- He Poos Clouds

Owen Pallett takes a break from being the awesomist violinist ever to write a D & D concept album. Another Canadian with a brilliant song opener to a powerhouse album.

4.) Destroyer-- Destroyer's Rubies

Say what you want, but this man can WRITE lyrics. He has a great backing band for once. He has a drinking game. Another Canadian with a brilliant song opener to a powerhouse album. (Sense a theme here?)

3.) Baby & Hide-- Normal People

I'm not sure this was released in 2006, but it was recorded in late late '05 so it's good enough to count. Jeremy Keller brings a keyboard and a ton of melody and produces something oddly unique in his own lo-fi way. Everything synth-pop should be. Oh, and IT'S FREE. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES.

5.) Thom Yorke-- The Eraser

My halfway point is the thirteenth. This is out on the eleventh. Little needs to be said about this very good not-solo album.

Admittedly this isn't very impressive, but I'm waiting for the second half.

On the Horizon: (in partial order)

Chad VanGaalen-- Skelliconnection
Chin Up Chin Up-- This Harness Can't Ride Anything
Sufjan Stevens-- The Avalanche
Grizzly Bear-- Yellow House

There were more but I can't remember them. If you have any, comment!


At July 08, 2006 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

prepare to have your mind blown by yellow house


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