Chin Up Chin Up
Alright. Chin Up Chin Up is a band from here in Chicago. I found them when inadvertently clicking on a mp3 link for them instead of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. I am not disappointed. They make music that manages to be urban Illinois while retaining some prairie guitar. It sounds as if you looking at a painting or a sculpture (or something impressive of that sort) and suddenly a car whizzes by on the street. (That is a really shoddy description.)
The guitars are pretty dang impressive and the tunes are catchy. What more is there to say?
CUCU are going to be in studio soon and I will get to see them live when they hit the Pitchfork Music Festival in July. Much fun all around.
MP3-- We Should Never Have Lived Like We Were Skyscrapers
(Direct; opt-click or right-click ---> Save As)
MP3-- Virginia Don't Drown
(Direct; opt-click or right-click ---> Save As)
You can buy them in iTunes or from their label, Flameshovel